

I'm Li hua, will enter the next year, University of London, but doesn't know how to adapt to living abroad, so write to my United Kingdom pen pal John.

I encountered the following problems, 1, in a foreign country a person feels lonely, homesick and 2, food, culture is not used to, 3 life it is difficult to take care of themselves.



There are many differences between American students and Student’s from other countries. Some of these differences are cultural differences that stem from the way people all over the world look at themselves and their relationship to others. The typical American student studies on ***erage between 12 to 20 hours a week. This is very different when compared to most Asian countries where students can study up 40 to 60 hours a week.


VOA Special News中基础单词1500个,可以说是英语的核心词汇;最常用的英语词汇有3000多个,顺畅交流的话,6000个够了。美国日常生活900单词,相当美国小学二年级词汇水平。据说,一个美国农夫日常使用频率最高的英语单词是900个,掌握这900个单词,可以应付日常生活95%的交流情境。


如果你是出国打labour工,就是超市 餐馆这种,需要听说的话不超过200句。如果你想找一个正儿八经白领,那么雅思5.5至少。如果做一些专业工作,譬如护士医生这类,雅思要求最低7,单科不能低于7。
