

Roasting, soaking, stewing and other cooking methods.

Known for its "taste", it has many types of fl***ors and is full of changes, with fish fragrance, red oil, strange taste and spicy taste being more prominent.

The style of Sichuan cuisine is simple and fresh, with strong local fl***or. The famous dishes are: shredded pork with fish fl***or, Sichuan style pork, Mapo tofu, boiled fish, hu***and and wife's lung slices and so on.



1. Delicious(美味可口的)

2. Yummy(好吃的,美味的)

3. Tasty(美味的)

4. Fl***orful(有香味的,味道丰富的)

5. S***ory(咸味的,鲜美的)

6. Sweet(甜的)

7. Sour(酸的)

8. Bitter(苦的)

9. Salty(咸的)

10. Spicy / Hot(辣的)

11. Mild(清淡的,温和的)

12. Rich(浓郁的)

13. Creamy(奶油般的,顺滑的)

14. Juicy(多汁的)

15. Crispy(脆的)

16. Crunchy(嘎吱脆的)

17. Tender(嫩的)

18. Chewy(耐嚼的)

19. Soft(软的)

20. Hard(硬的)

21. Dry(干的)

22. Moist(湿润的)

23. Greasy(油腻的)

24. Nutritious(营养丰富的)

25. Aromatic(芳香的)

26. Fresh(新鲜的)

27. Fruity(果香的)

28. Zesty(带劲的,微酸爽口的)

29. Satisfying(令人满足的)

30. Light(清淡的)



形容食物的英文的形容词有:nourishing (nutritious) 有营养的malnourished 营养不良的edible 可食用的sour 酸的sweet 甜的bitter 苦的spicy = hot 辣的salty 咸的bland 无味儿的;淡的tangy 味道浓的awful 味道糟糕的hit the spot = out of this world = delicious好吃的rare (肉)生的;嫩的medium (肉)中等程度的,适中的well-done (肉)熟透的overdone (肉)过老的burnt 烧焦的canned 罐装的fresh 新鲜的形容食物的英语名词有:nutrient 营养(成分)fat 脂肪protein 蛋白质vitamin 维生素calorie 卡(路里)nutrition 营养dietitian 营养学家health food (green foodstuff) 保健食品(绿色食品)convenience food 方便食品
